Find out about the activities we carry out!
An annual project implemented in aid of a trusted organization that supports people at risk of social exclusion. It constitutes our Foundation's flagship and the largest initiative aimed at raising the standards of assistance provided by the institution and supporting the solution of an extremely important social problem. Based on financial and substantive support, the initiative is accompanied by a promotional and didactic approach.
A grant programme aimed at non-governmental organizations and informal groups. The ideas for co-financing can be submitted by anyone who desires to make a positive change in the local community. It is important to do this with the help of an institution or organization of non-commercial status, having legal capacity. Co-financing will be available in the following areas: development of local communities, environmental protection and sustainable development, promotion of the region, safety of/ assistance to people at risk of social exclusion. Support will be given to 5 applications from each of the 4 fields.
The aim of the program is to encourage individuals to take initiative and support grassroots social activities. Moreover, our grants constitute a response to the current problems of the environment, our local community, as well as promote the civil society.
*szychta - a crew of miners who work for a specific period of time. English equivalent: shift.
Employee volunteering program which aims to support important social initiatives in our region, as well as giving employees the opportunity to influence the immediate environment. Our employees will also be given an opportunity to create assistance programs and campaigns themselves, which will allow them to increase their competences and acquire new skills.
The program is addressed to employees who, apart from their professional work, are distinguished by their social commitment, extraordinary passion and activity. Each month, one of the employees will be given an opportunity to support a selected charity goal. The aim of this program is to appreciate diversity, stimulate innovation and activity by showing positive examples.
The main objective of the program is to transfer the knowledge and skills on the subject of "professional begging", that is, collecting money from individuals and business people for the activities of particular foundations and associations. This will contribute to the spread of knowledge about fundraising. Moreover, it will highlight the importance of the area which determines the independence of a particular organization, as well as obtaining more income for aid activities. Equipped with all the necessary competences, we strengthen and help effectively implement the missions of neighboring and informal groups. It is worth mentioning that the trainings will be a platform for the exchange of experiences, dialogue and identification of mutual needs. They are in line with the principle of wise help: “Give the fishermen a pole, not a fish”. The Foundation will never be able to help everyone, but it will indicate how to effectively raise funds that are the basis of charity organizations.
*spąg – (geol. geology) lower surface limiting the rock layer. English equivalent: footwall, floor, bottom.
On the one hand, the implementation of the programme will activate children. On the other hand, it will facilitate all the educational processes of the institutions involved thanks to peer group competition. The project will allow children to learn how to cooperate within a group and simultaneously – will show the right directions of their own development and help to break them out of the dysfunctional local environment. And critically, it will encourage participation in organized forms of extracurricular activity and will enable participating children to spend their free time in an attractive way. The teams participating in the tournament will be awarded awesome prizes.
Charity football tournament for employees of our company. Each mine, as well as our office, can form one team (a total of 4 teams) that will compete for the "President's handshake". Apparently, the initiative is guided by a charitable goal, namely to support the organization/ goal chosen by each team. Each team will be given the amount of 10,000 PLN. Team captains will individually hand the checks to representatives of selected organizations, and team members will receive commemorative medals. The tournament seems to be an interesting initiative connecting local communities with our company. It will contribute to sports and social activation, as well as to the increase of our employees’ commitment.
The competition is dedicated to young artists (up to 30 years of age) from the Świętokrzyskie Voivodeship. As part of the competition, we will honor people with outstanding scientific achievements and attainments in the field of culture. The winners will be provided with the support of a mentor who will share their experience, as well as the opportunity to present the results of their activities to a wider audience. In this program, we aim to support gifted people in their development.
Konkurs skierowany do młodych twórców (do 30 roku życia) z województwa świętokrzyskiego. W ramach konkursu uhonorujemy osoby z wybitnym osiągnięciem naukowym i osiągnięciem w dziedzinie kultury. Laureatom zapewnimy wsparcie mentora, który podzieli się swoim doświadczeniem, a także możliwość zaprezentowania wyników swojej działalności przed szerszą publicznością. W tym programie pragniemy wesprzeć w rozwoju osoby uzdolnione.
The project is dedicated to young artists (up to 35 years of age) from all over Poland who will popularize the motif of the stone mine in their pieces of art. A different field will be implemented annually, such as role-playing games, board games, computer games, novels, diary, science book, reportage, etc. The program aims to support young, talented artists, as well as to create a positive image of the company and popularize the stone mine. The prize will be help in publishing and promoting the work/product.
The main objective of the programme is to create a platform for the exchange of thoughts on the current socio-economic challenges of Poland. The main objective is to create a dialogue and to develop proposals (substantive support) to strengthen the potential of the country and the region. The program will take the form of regular meetings of specialists. One of the goals will also be an attempt to systematize the thoughts of important figures from the history of Poland, regarding the vision of Poland and its role in the international arena, as well as to popularize this knowledge.